Toddler Play Space

(2-3 Years)

Our Toddler Room incorporates three distinctive spaces including:

  • An area for circle time and rest

  • A dramatic play space

  • And an everything area

    (where eating, art, and construction all take place)

There are maximum numbers of 15 in this room per day.

Program For Toddlers

Our program for 2-3 year olds at Happy Hearts Avalon is thoughtfully designed to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child's early development.

Here's a glimpse into what is included in our program:

Social & Emotional Development

We focus on promoting positive social interactions and emotional well-being. Our experienced educators and teachers help children build essential social skills, such as sharing, taking turns, and communicating their feelings. Through age-appropriate activities and guided play, we foster a sense of belonging and encourage the development of self-confidence and independence.

Cognitive & Language Development

Our program is designed to support cognitive growth and language acquisition during this critical stage of development. Through storytelling, interactive games, music, and sensory play, we create a rich language environment that stimulates vocabulary expansion and language fluency.

Sensorial Exploration

We recognise the importance of sensory experiences in early childhood development. Our program offers various sensorial activities that encourage children to explore and engage their senses. Through hands-on experiences with different textures, shapes, colours, and sounds, we promote sensory awareness, fine motor skills, and cognitive development.

Creative Expression

We believe in fostering creativity and self-expression in young children. Our program includes opportunities for artistic expression, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and imaginative play. These activities allow children to explore their creativity, develop fine motor skills, and express themselves through different art mediums.

Physical Development

We understand the significance of physical activity and gross motor skill development in this age group. Our program includes age-appropriate games, exercises, and outdoor playtime that encourage physical fitness, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. We provide a safe and stimulating environment where children can engage in active play and develop their physical abilities.

Daily Routine & Structure

Consistency and structure are important for young children's sense of security and overall well-being. Our program follows a predictable daily routine that includes designated times for meals, rest, play, and learning activities. This structure helps children feel secure, develop self-regulation skills, and establish healthy habits.

Family & Carers Involvement

We value the partnership between families/carers and our childcare center. We encourage families to actively participate in their child's learning journey. Our program includes regular communication, family-teacher meetings, and opportunities for involvement in special events or activities. We value your input and collaboration to ensure the best possible experience for your child.